Monday, March 23, 2009

First Week of Internship -My First Day at Work

The first day I begin working, my mentor told one of her wokers to show us the different buildings in which we going to take the paients and transport them to the different buildings in the hositals or to the lobby, meaning the enterence. That lady teached us how we going to utilze the weal chair in a safe way to tranport the patient. She showed us where we can easily find a weal chair and what the differnt buildings stand for . For example ER is for emergency building, ASU2 is for ambulatory and many more such as the Smith building, the colmen and the Cronin building. After that, when the lady had patients who she was supposted to take to the lobby we folowed her by watching carfully. The whole day, we followed her with a lot of observation. So the next day we can do the same thing.

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